Illinois Tint Laws 2025 – IL Tinted / TinTing Window Legal Limits & Exemptions for Sedan, Truck, SUVs and Vans

Driving in the Land of Lincoln? You’ll want to be well-versed in Illinois’ window tint law, which has specific enforcement guidelines for a range of vehicles, from compact sedans to heavy-duty trucks and spacious SUVs. Whether you’re a new driver in Illinois or considering a change like installing a dark window tint, it’s crucial to understand the legal parameters. The law covers every aspect of your automobile’s windows, from the windshield and front windows to the back, side, and rear windows. Medical exemptions are available but come with their own set of stipulations. Even your vehicle’s headlight and tail lights are subject to regulations. Before you make any modifications, it’s essential to know the exceptions and how to navigate the complex legal landscape in Illinois.

Car Window Tinting Laws in Illinois

Illinois, located in the Midwestern United States, is the 5th most populous state and is often considered a microcosm of the entire country. With its diverse economic base, major transportation hub, and cities like Chicago, the state has specific regulations for car window tinting to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents.

Tint Law Illinois – Legal Tint Limit For Sedan Vehicles

  • Windshield: Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 6 inches.
  • Front Side Windows: Must allow more than 35% of light in.
  • Back Side Windows: Must allow more than 35% of light in.
  • Rear Window: Must allow more than 35% of light in.

Tinting Law Illinois – Legal Tint Limit For SUVs and Vans

  • Windshield: Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 6 inches.
  • Front Side Windows: Must allow more than 50% of light in.
  • Back Side Windows: No specific darkness limit.
  • Rear Window: No specific darkness limit.

Window Tint Reflectivity in Illinois

Reflective properties in window tints can assist in reducing glare and heat. Illinois’s standards include:

  • For Sedans, SUVs & Vans:
    • Front and Back Side Windows: Must be non-reflective.

Other Illinois Window Tint Law Rules And Regulations

  • Side Mirrors: Dual side mirrors are required if the back window is tinted.
  • Restricted Colors: Illinois does not have specific banned tint colors.
  • Tint Variance: Allowed variance is 5%.
  • Certificates: Film manufacturers do NOT need to certify the film they sell in Illinois.
  • Stickers: No sticker to identify legal tinting is required.
  • Medical Exceptions: Illinois allows medical exemptions for special tint.
  • Penalties: Non-compliance can lead to fines ranging from $50 to $500.

State of Illinois Information

  • Capital: Springfield
  • Population: 12,875,255
  • Area: 57,914 sq mi

About Tint Laws in Illinois

A Guide to Illinois’s Tint Laws for Out-of-State Vehicles

Illinois’s tint laws, established in 2009, are designed to ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians alike. These laws provide specific guidelines on the Visible Light Transmission (VLT) percentages for different types of vehicles, including sedans, SUVs, and trucks. For instance, sedans’ front and back side windows, as well as the rear window, must allow more than 35% of light in. On the other hand, SUVs and vans have a slightly different set of rules, with front side windows requiring to allow more than 50% of light. Interestingly, the back side windows and rear window of SUVs and vans can have any darkness level. It’s also worth noting that Illinois offers medical exemptions for special tints, but these come with their own set of criteria. For vehicles with factory-installed window tint on any back window, the front side windows must have over 50% VLT. The enforcement of these laws is stringent, and non-compliance can lead to penalties.

Why Tint Laws Matter: An Insight into Illinois’s Regulations

The primary motivation behind Illinois’s tint laws is the safety of its road users. While tinted windows offer benefits like UV protection, privacy, and reduced glare, they can also hinder visibility if they’re too dark. This is especially crucial during nighttime driving or in conditions with low visibility. By setting specific VLT percentages, Illinois ensures that drivers can enjoy the benefits of tinted windows without compromising on safety.

Illinois’s Policy on Police Cars and Window Tint Laws

The provided information does not specify any unique regulations for police cars in Illinois. However, it’s common for law enforcement vehicles in many states to have certain exemptions or different standards due to the nature of their duties.

How Window Tint Laws are Enforced in Illinois

Local law enforcement agencies in Illinois play a pivotal role in ensuring vehicles adhere to the state’s tint regulations. Officers are equipped with devices to measure the VLT of windows, ensuring that vehicles comply with the stipulated guidelines. Those found in violation may face penalties, emphasizing the importance of understanding and adhering to these laws.

Tinted Windows in Illinois: Legal Implications and Guidelines

Yes, tinted windows are legal in Illinois, but they must conform to the state’s specific regulations. The laws are clear about the VLT percentages for different types of vehicles and windows. For instance, sedans must have a VLT of more than 35% for all windows, while SUVs and vans have different requirements.

Illinois’s Perspective on Law Enforcement and Tinted Windows

As mentioned earlier, specific regulations for law enforcement vehicles are not detailed in the provided content. However, given the nature of their duties, it’s likely that police cars in Illinois have certain exemptions or different standards.

The Legality of Tinting Headlights in Illinois

The provided content does not address the tinting of headlights. However, given the safety concerns associated with reduced visibility, it’s advisable to consult local regulations before making any modifications to headlights.

Special Exemptions in Illinois’s Tint Laws: What You Need to Know

Illinois allows for medical exemptions for special tints. However, the state does not provide leniency for any specific type of vehicle based on its use or purpose. It’s essential to consult the state’s guidelines and obtain the necessary documentation for any exemptions.

Strategies to Navigate and Bypass Tint Laws in Illinois

While understanding Illinois’s tint laws is crucial, it’s equally important to adhere to them. Always consult with professionals before making any modifications to your vehicle, and be aware of potential legal repercussions.

Comparing Illinois’s Tint Laws with Other States

Illinois’s tint laws, like those of other states such as Alabama, are designed with safety in mind. It’s beneficial to compare these rules to understand the variations and the reasons behind them.

The Historical Evolution of Tint Laws in Illinois

Tint laws in Illinois were first enacted in 2009, reflecting the state’s commitment to ensuring road safety while accommodating the needs and preferences of its residents.

The Rationale Behind Window Tint Laws in Illinois

Given Illinois’s diverse climate, window tints serve multiple purposes. They provide UV protection, reduce heat and glare, and offer privacy. The state’s regulations aim to ensure that these benefits do not compromise road safety.

FAQs About Window Tinting in Illinois

What is the legal window tint in Illinois?

For sedans, windows should allow over 35% of light.

Is window tinting permitted in Illinois?

Yes, but adherence to the state’s guidelines is crucial.

Are there any prohibited tint shades in Illinois?

Illinois does not specify any restricted tint colors.

Do I need a certification for my window tint in Illinois?

No, manufacturers do not need to certify their products in Illinois.

How can I ensure my tint is in line with Illinois’s regulations?

Consulting with a professional or checking the state’s official resources is advisable.

Are SUVs subject to different tint rules in Illinois?

Yes, especially for front side windows.

What’s the reflectivity limit for window tints in Illinois?

Windows should not be reflective.

Do I need a sticker for my tinted windows in Illinois?

No, there’s no requirement for a sticker.

Can I use different tint levels on my vehicle in Illinois?

Yes, but each window must comply with the state’s guidelines.

What if I sell my car with tinted windows in Illinois?

If the tint adheres to Illinois’s laws, there’s no issue. Otherwise, adjustments might be needed.

Is it challenging to remove window tint?

Seeking professional help is always best.

Can I get a medical exemption for darker tints in Illinois?

Yes, with the necessary documentation.

Sources and References:

Illinois Vehicle Code Chapter 12, Article V – Glass, Windshields, and Mirrors

Illinois Tinted Window Medical Certification form

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